If you can build anything you want by simply going to the market instead of toiling for weeks to gather the resources and knowledge base necessary to create your place in the world, you could get bored in a hurry. All of these end game machines and materials for sale, make it too EZ to get to a point where you have accomplished everything you wanted to do and move on to other things. I know folks have added a new dimension to the game by seeing how rich they can get on these items, but is that a good idea? Now everyone is rich and resources EZ to get. The game had 50+ users when reset when folks had to work to get their stuff, now half as many play. Should we restrict the sale of kit items? Second tier machines? Should staff be allowed to sell items or is that just a perk to keep them from getting bored as well?

Suggested by: dfwdatacom
May 26, 2020, 1:30 a.m.

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Ethernal_Void on May 26, 2020, 11:11 a.m.

Item tiers (like in SevTech) could be made, but that requires an overhaul to the /market logic which is complicated. Locking items behind playtime is a simple way of doing it.