Add supply drops
where free loot
spawns or falls from
the sky and players
fight over it.
Supply drops can
occur every 3 hours
when there are more
than 20 players on
the server and there
could be very large
ones on the weekend
or when there are
more than 40 players
should also be two
levels. One for new
players with < 12
hours of playtime
where power armor is
restricted and also
one that is open to
either have the
supply drops in the
overworld and
disable explosives
within a 100 block
radius or have them
in a separate
suggestions or
concerns below!
Suggested by:
May 20, 2020, 10:21 a.m.
comment Comments
Inhumansalmon on Sept. 2, 2022, 8:58 p.m.
Only issue is the population never hits 20. same issue with the item drop purchases from shop, hard to find times with 15+ people for more than 5 minutes, once or twice a week, to be able to use it.
Quigybobo on Oct. 13, 2020, 1:26 p.m.
May I suggest disabling Wireless crafting magnets within supply drop zones. That way players have to physically escape with the items. Also disabling teleportation while in the supply drop zone. Making it increasingly harder to escape without a fight. I really like this idea and hope it is implemented.